Impact Assessment:

A rigorous look at SYLVAIN’s dedication to corporate responsibility, culture, and the greatest good.
progress works in mysterious ways.
Sometimes, just as it seems your goal is in reach, everything changes.
You consider if it’s possible to press forward.
BUT if your goal is good, and your commitment real, your wind comes back.
You find inspiration in your obstacles.
And new perspective.

For SYLVAIN, 2023 was a year of devastating loss, hard questions—and a renewed sense of purpose.
By most key metrics, we had one of our best years ever, with a 22% increase in revenue and an 11 point rise in profits. We brought in new senior leaders to activate an exciting new structure that makes us more client-centric, strengthens our design offering, and expands the impact of our work.
But beneath the surface lay a harsh reality. Before the year even got under way, economic uncertainty made clients in nearly all industries less eager to spend. Backlash politics had a chilling effect on the impact work that we excel at, while driving up demand for the “purpose-washing” work that we reject on principle.
Then came unimaginable loss. In November, our Founder and CEO, Alain Sylvain, passed away, leaving those of us who were fortunate enough to work with him in a state of shock and grief from which we are still emerging.
Alain was many things to SYLVAIN. A role model. An unparalleled visionary. A creative, brilliant, and deeply humanitarian leader who guided us with integrity, kindness, passion, depth, and generosity.
Most importantly, he was a friend, and his absence will long be felt, just as his impact will forever remain.
These yearly reports held special significance for Alain. As someone who was never afraid to call out the world of business to do better—his own business included—these reports were crucial to his conviction that those in positions of power should be held accountable, to their clients, to their employees, and to their broader communities.
With proven leadership in place and a strengthened bond across the entire company, SYLVAIN is more committed than ever to living out those convictions. Because it’s easy to live your principles when the world is cheering you on. What counts is how you act when you’re tired to the bone, your values are under attack, and the easier, less principled path beckons.
In this, our third annual impact report, we once again use our Accountability Framework and other proprietary tools to measure our performance against our ideals. As always, this report is our attempt to formalize what has always been a gut instinct at SYLVAIN—to narrow the gap between delivering for our clients and serving the public.
After many months of reflection, we find that our founding principles continue to be our surest guide to an impactful and prosperous future.

Cultural winds may shift. Business trends come and go. And for some, progress will occasionally go out of style. But SYLVAIN long ago committed to being stewards of progress, not bystanders, for society at large.
We embark on 2024 as a company transformed, more determined than ever to make sure that some things never change.